Meet the Leadership Team


Founder and President

Seán is the Founder and President of Come What May.

He is an Executive Regenerative Coach, Certified Sex Educator (ACET UK), Speaker, Facilitator, Practitioner, Angel Investor and Philanthropist.

He supports fellow Founders, C-Level Executives and Business Leaders take their Personal and Business lives to the next level.

Sean is passionate about creating change by curating environments which lead to self-empowerment.



Head of Retreats

Yuna is a Creative Mentor, Wild Woman Facilitator & Shamanic Healing Musician, having spent most of her adult life combining her passion of personal development, healing & music. Trained as a 500hr Yoga Teacher, meditation Teacher, Reiki Master, Sound Healing Practitioner, Certified Health Coach (IIN), and Sexuality Practitioner. Yuna co-founded The Retreat Collection in 2014 and continues to facilitate retreats worldwide.

Through her work & art, she ignites people to embody their purpose, awaken their power & sexuality and become open channels of inspiration & creativity.



Vice President

Steve Shiva is Come What May’s President of Vice, a father of 2, an empowerment and embodiment coach and the founder of Notorious Hearts Coaching and Counselling and Man-In Retreats and Workshops. The essence of his work is always the same – fostering human transformation through ruthless authenticity, diverse psychological, sexual, embodiment and holistic modalities.

Through cultivating and curating relational spaces where everything is welcome, and where the dark and the light can be embraced, owned and embodied, Steve Shiva invites full integration of the whole human being. He works with men, women, adolescents and everyone in between, of all capabilities and cultures, in groups as well as individually, tailoring transformational retreats, programs and workshops that empower everyone to live totally, playfully and most important of all, authentically.



Head of Mystery School

Maya Magdalena is a feminine embodiment guide, mystic seer and shamanic sexual somatic bodyworker, supporting you on your journey to freedom, embodied presence and erotic innocence.

She has been studying at various modern days mystery schools, dedicated to Soul initiation, cosmology, mysteries of the body and deep feminine mysteries and over last year integrating trauma informed modalities into her work.

She is passionate about breaking taboos, changing the way we treat our bodies and each other, paths of freedom and ecstatic human nature. The ritual is where she feels at home the most.

What she offers comes as synthesis of a decade of seeking, healing, studying and learning, transforming her own life at first – from trauma and disconnection to trust and pleasure.



Head of Parent Forum

Roni Averashi is a certified somatic therapist, dedicated to mens work, relating and a path of living an authentic, loving and transparent life. Music is his medicine and for many years he was one of the musicians in a group who guided plant medicine journeys.

Over last 2 years he has graduated Somamystica, studied Sacred Sexuality, studied and assisted at ISTA trainings and at “Emergence” – men’s work groups.

He loves seeing people expressing their vulnerability, heart’s melting and shields falling down. He has a big heart himself and loves to explore new depths of love and truth.

He lives in Ibiza, together with his partner Maya and is a father of 2.



Head of Circle Training

My name is JotePrakash Singh Khalsa but I used to be called Tom.

I am an Inspiro Awakening Guide, a Kundalini Yoga Teacher, a Musician, a Writer and a Ritual Space Holder and have been holding space for 5 years now.

My mission is to provide humanity with a completely wholistic route to connection with the Divine Creative Flow by creating Sacred Spaces attuned to deep, authentic joy and Truth.

I believe that sustainable happiness can only come from a healthy balance of Self-Love, surrender and boundaries.

I have a deep love for dancing, music, chanting and taking my clothes off and jumping into freezing cold rivers.


  • "I can say unequivocally this 2-day inaugural Training was high calibre, clear, and unbelievably concentrated in following through with the course remit. Come What May's mission being societal reform via open healthy discussion around sexuality, has at every level - grassroots, content, best practice - succeeded beyond any expectations .. minus any price tag (!); sincerely look forward to see what is next from these good people."

    Circle Training Student

  • "The space created by our hosts was full of safety, integrity, curiosity and a beautiful portrayal of humaneness. I can't wait to see what happens next and what we will co-create through the medicine and joy of circles "

    Circle Training Student

  • "Thank you, all of you, for the beautiful gifts you gave this month, simply by being yourselves, open & vulnerable. I am taking many things from this month, but mainly healing my grief, re-connecting with myself in new (and old) ways. Also, having the beautiful reminder that these connections & ways of being are possible. Thank you"

    MMMM Participant

  • “Joining MMMM has been a powerful move and a powermove to land more into my pleasure. The space was held wonderfully by the facilitators and the group was very supportive. Mostly it was great to have a focus on your own pleasure. There are fun exercises, and it’s been such a great gift to explore my own pleasure in new dimensions. Will do this again this year because it’s been so playful, juicy and fun to do! Yummy container to connect to yourself, discover your own sexual power and own your sensuality.”

    MMMM Participant

  • “The monthly challenge I did in November with CWM changed the relationship I have with my body, and with my pleasure. The first thing was setting an intention for the month, and acting on it. The second was sharing my experiences with others in the weekly online circle. Surprisingly I felt heard and seen - by strangers, mind you. Opening up to others, and them opening up to you about their experience helped to identify and dissolve shame related to sexuality, increased my vital energy levels and helped discover new ways I want, and not want, to be touched. For instance, I've always focused on pleasure concentrated in my genital area - but discovered I do not ask myself about consent, and how I want to be touched today, in this particular moment. Paying attention to what my body wants here and now led to a deeper, more grounded relationship with myself, which in turn helped to be more present with others. Thank you Sean, Steve, Yuna and the whole CWM team and community for this life changing opportunity.”

    November Participant

  • "Thank you guys for a very beautiful month, so many things to be grateful for. I fell in love with my cock again and realised how beautiful, powerful and energetic it is. I did cum at the end but it was very intentional and very beautiful."

    Cum Not May Participant

  • "I felt very connected to the group this month and deeply enjoyed the prolonged retention and the sharings.My wins are becoming more aware of what used to happen when my motivation to retain semen would suddenly vanish during sex, this inner voice that convinced me to cum - now thanks to the group commitment of retention I could observe that voice and let it go. And the big win for me personally is I really feel a sustained higher energy and focus and quality relating to my partner, compared to when I ejaculated and felt a drop of energy and of intimacy. Another win is gaining more intimacy with brothers in this group by hearing their wins and challenges in this intimate process."

    Cum Not May Participant