Our Circles are, and will always be, free to join.

What is a Circle?

Circles have been used in ancient traditions for millenia. Participating in a sharing circle offers you a transformative experience, providing a unique opportunity for emotional support, connection, and personal growth. 

Through active listening and respectful communication, you will have the opportunity to share your story and express your thoughts, feelings, and experiences - all in a safe and non-judgmental environment. 

At Come What May, our Circles are specific towards sexuality with each Circle having a sexuality related topic to explore.

Even if you haven’t had sex, you have a story to share. Nobody is too experienced or inexperienced to be in Circle, therefore everyone is welcome.

Want more information about our next Circle?

What to Expect?

Every Circle may be completely different from each other, however, this is a potential outline:

// Short introduction from each person in Circle

// Agreements (see below)

// Meditation & Introduction to Topic

// Sharing Rounds

// Closing

Some Stats:

When – Every Fortnight on Tuesday

First Circle – March 1st 2022

Who – People from 6 out of 7 Continents

Youngest Participant  – 16

Oldest Participant – 80


- A sense of belonging and understanding
- Reduced feelings of isolation
- Connection to community
- Stress reduction
- Release of shame
- Empowerment
- Courage and resilience
- Improved communication skills
- Coping strategies

Agreements for Circles

This is a Minimum Standard required for every circle that takes place

  • These Agreements will be shared in full during the Circle

  • It is required that each member of the Circle agrees. For example: at the end of the explanation for each Agreements “If you agree, please raise your hand”

  • Once the Agreements have been made, nobody else can enter the Circle

  • If there is anybody that does not agree to ANY of the Agreements, this will violate our values of Safety and Integrity, therefore the person will be asked to leave

    • Please keep everything you hear during the circle confidential. The topics discussed may be intimate and personal, therefore it is important to keep the safety of the container once the Circle has finished

    • Please do not share the names of the attendees of the Circle

    • If you are to share about your experience in the Circle, share about what YOU have learned or gained from the wisdom in the group, not about anyone else

    • During the Circle, if you are sharing an experience that involves another person that is OR is not present in the Circle, please keep that person nameless to protect the integrity of the community as a whole.

    • This Agreement is void if we believe that you, or somebody close to you, may be in danger.

    • Be completely present with your brothers/sisters. It is easy to get lost in your mind thinking about what you will share, however, this is an opportunity for you to hold space for others in the circle and to gain wisdom from the people around you

    • Speak from the I. This is an opportunity for you to share from your heart, from a more vulnerable, deeper place rather than at surface level. Authentically showing up in Circle also means that you can decide not to share if that is what feels right for you, however, this has to be communicated verbally to the group

    • This is a space where each person’s unique expression is accepted

    • I invite you to do your best to practise non-judgement

    • We will be discussing topics that may be confronting and taboo, which may go against your values and potentially trigger you. If judgement does arise, please use this as an opportunity to be curious about your own triggers and where that comes from inside you 

    • We also have a non-consensus agreement. This means that if two people have two opposing views on a situation, it is ok to disagree and not try and change someone's opinion

    • Always ask permission when offering feedback, reflections or if you want to ask a question.

    • There must be no unsolicited coaching, counselling or advice.

    • If online, camera must be on at all times

    • Abusive or aggressive behaviour is not tolerated

    • Our participants must not be at the effect of drugs or alcohol

Circle Training

Do you want to learn how to run your Circles for your community?

Come What May has an aim to sit 100,000 people in Circle. We are a grass-roots Movement and want to build spaces for communities to get together, in-person, and have these incredibly important conversations. That’s where you come in!

We run the Circle Training, for free, twice a year, in March and September. The training runs over 12 hours, on a Saturday and Sunday.


“Saying words I never thought I’d share to another human, let alone a group of almost strangers about my sexual abuse as a child, liberated some pieces of myself that I didn’t even know I had been hiding away for so long. The words spoken out loud gave me the freedom to own my truth more fully. To release the pain I had been holding and open up to so much more pleasure and expression in my whole life, as well as my sex life”.

  • "I can say unequivocally this 2-day inaugural Circle Training was high calibre, clear, and unbelievably concentrated in following through with the course remit. Come What May's mission being societal reform via open healthy discussion around sexuality, has at every level - grassroots, content, best practice - succeeded beyond any expectations .. minus any price tag (!); sincerely look forward to see what is next from these good people."

    Circle Training Student

  • "The space created by our hosts was full of safety, integrity, curiosity and a beautiful portrayal of humaneness. I can't wait to see what happens next and what we will co-create through the medicine and joy of circles "

    Circle Training Student

  • “Seán and Jote-Prakash are both wise, genuine and humble facilitators. I am in gratitude to have been part of this container of sharing and learning, and hope to pay it forward. Míle Buíochas!”

    Circle Training Student

  • “Really powerful vision Come What May is. I am honored to have stumbled across this work built by genuine people in their integrity. On this mission of making the theme of sexuality be more broadly spoken & creating spaces that we can feel safer to share with others like any other subject I think this project is a chunk of gold. Thank you for creating the resources and opportunities for anyone called to join and become part. I really hope this will flourish more and beyond! Sean & Jote you both had a beautiful balance of facilitation to the Training.”

    Circle Training Student

  • “I loved the structure and the flow of the training. I would say that everything was covered throughout these two days, and there was enough time for all the questions that arose. The space created by our hosts was full of safety, integrity, curiosity and a beautiful portrayal of humaneness (if there was something they didn't know, we all had the opportunity to pitch in with our intuition). I see that Come What May has a very good foundation in growing, developing and being a wonderful inclusive community where we can all find our place. I can't wait to see what happens next and what we will co-create through the medicine and joy of circles. Thank you for everything!”

    Circle Training Student